We are very sad to announce we lost Lil in Feb, 2011 at 11 1/2 years old. Sleep peacefully our sweet girl!Champion Chakra's Blind FaithFD, FDJ, NAVHDA NA Prize III and St John's Ambulance Therapy Dog.....working with Lil while she earned all her titles and walking almost daily while she ran helped appease my empty nest syndrome. Although my husband, Havelock, believed life began "when the last child left home and the dog died", his "NO MORE DOGS" fell on deaf ears as I planned to pick up our puppy as soon as he left for his annual hunting vacation. She was to be "just a family pet" as Tig, our first vizsla, had been, but I went to the breeder armed with "questions to ask a breeder" so I would get the best puppy possible. Elaine Hopkins (owner of Chakra Vizslas) took this to mean I had an interest in giving my dog a career, so introduced me to Liz Outram of Pointblank Kennels, a professional gundog trainer. Liz put some birds out for Lily and soon had her pointing. We were so impressed, we started going for weekly private field lessons and a friendship developed. Liz encouraged me to enter Lily in a dog show for conformation. She was entering one of her dogs and would be there to show me the ropes. From the first time in the ring, although very nervous, I was hooked and Lil and I earned her Championship together. Dubbed the Princess Vizsla by my husband - Lily did not like to get her feet muddy or her coat wet - Liz had her work cut out getting her ready for her natural ability test. After much coaxing,for us and peanut butter treats, she went into the water to retrieve the yuckky, wet bird - by one feather. Under the expert hands of Liz, she has come a long way and is a pleasure to hunt over. Lil has been bred twice to Ch Onpoints Wild Thorn, FDJ producing two beautiful litters for us. Both Bree and Ranger are pups from the first litter. (Photos depict Lil with her 2007 litter,Lil retrieving pheasant on Pelee island and training at Liz Outram's)